Dog Skin Allergies – Signs and Symptoms

Allergy is defined as an abnormal body reaction through specific antibodies because it responds exaggeratedly when it comes into contact with a substance from the outside, that other individuals do not normally react to and which should normally be tolerated. These...

What Are Parkinson’s Symptoms?

What are the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions in the consultations of neurologists, Parkinson’s specialists, and family physicians. The fact is that the way this disease manifests itself is so complex and...

Mad Cow Disease – Causes And Symptoms

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or “mad cow disease” currently represents a real public health problem worldwide. Initially confined to the United Kingdom and overcoming the epidemiological measures put in place for its control, this disease has managed to...

Meningitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Meningitis is a usually infectious disease caused by viruses or bacteria that lead to infection and inflammation of the meninges – membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. When only the meninges are infected, it is called meningitis. Sometimes the bacteria...

Lung Cancer: Symptoms and Treatments

The lungs are the organs included in the respiratory system that is in charge of performing the respiratory function, that is, through the respiratory tract, they supply oxygen to the body and get rid of carbon dioxide – a waste product produced by the body’s cells....