Following The Slimming World Diet Plan

Following The Slimming World Diet Plan

Slimming World is a commercial weight management organization, which in 2009 had more than 5,500 support groups, gaining between 250,000 to 300,000 followers per month. Besides that, they have good scientific support that backs it up. It was created by London born...

The Ornish Diet

The Ornish Diet plan was created by the founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Dr. Dean Ornish. It has been a popular diet, which makes no dangerous demands of followers, and if followed correctly would deliver a wide range of important nutrition. The...

Alkaline Diet – How Does it Work?

The theory behind the alkaline diet is that diseases develop in an acidic environment (that is, with a low pH) and that; therefore, to prevent them, it is advisable to “alkalize” our body, that is, increase its pH. This alkaline diet maintains that we can achieve this...

Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Weight Loss

The foods we eat can impact the level of inflammation in the body. Some foods dampen inflammation, and others may worsen inflammation. Some people use an anti-inflammatory diet to support their health and help to ease the symptoms of certain health conditions. Heavily...