by portline | Aug 1, 2023 | Diseases
What are the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions in the consultations of neurologists, Parkinson’s specialists, and family physicians. The fact is that the way this disease manifests itself is so complex and...
by portline | Jul 22, 2023 | Diseases, Pathogens
Diseases can be endemic, escalate to an epidemic, or, in extreme cases, a pandemic. Endemics usually appear at a certain time of the year in a specific place. Epidemics experience an increase in the number of infected at a specific time, and pandemics are epidemics of...
by portline | Jul 22, 2023 | Diseases, Pathogens
In 2009, a new form of influenza was identified. The disease spread across the world. The swine flu pandemic lasted for less than two years, but it was a very worrying time both for epidemiologists and for the general public. The World Health Organization declared a...
by portline | Jul 22, 2023 | Diseases, Pathogens
With so much talk of influenza, coronaviruses, and the potential for a pandemic, 2020 has been a year when panic and misinformation has spread just as fast as any virus. People have been drawn to compare different diseases to the threat of Covid19, and some of the...
by portline | Jul 20, 2023 | Diseases
Rice is the main food crop produced for half of the world’s population. This species is affected by phytopathological problems that often limit its production. Rice bacterial blight of the panicle has been considered to be the second most important disease of this...