Dutch Elm Disease and How It Spreads

The elm tree has been a fundamental part of forests across the world for millions of years, and yet in recent years, much of the elm population has been lost due to disease. In recent years, there has been lots of publicity in regards to the damage caused by Dutch elm...

Mad Cow Disease – Causes And Symptoms

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or “mad cow disease” currently represents a real public health problem worldwide. Initially confined to the United Kingdom and overcoming the epidemiological measures put in place for its control, this disease has managed to...

Crohn’s Disease – What you Need to Know

Crohns Disease is a condition that can vary a lot from patient to patient. There are a wide range of symptoms that can be experienced, and the condition can vary in terms of severity. This has meant that there is a lot of misunderstanding about what the condition is...

Nomophobia: The New Age Disease

Can’t spend a minute without looking at your mobile? The first thing you do when you wake up is to check your social networks? Are you with your family but you do not speak because each one of you has their mobile? Well, you may have nomophobia. What is Nomophobia?...